Welcome to September!
This change filled month where the leaves start to turn golden, the heaters get turned on and we get back to our desks after the holidays ready to focus and ride the busy waves of action up till the end of the year. We would love to share a few updates with you and hope to see you at one of our events before long.
The Inside out Leader
Last year, Alice Treasure from the Beautiful Truth joined one of our Bute programmes and wrote an article about her experience on the island.
On the back of this, the Beautiful Truth asked Gib to write a regular column for them called ‘The Inside out Leader’ to explore the connections between business, purpose and spirituality, and share insights on how leaders can shape a regenerative global business ecosystem. Click below to read the first edition titled ‘Hindsight is a gift but it always arrives too late’.
A Decelerator Close to London, November 6th – 10th
If you have always been curious about joining one of our Decelerator Labs but getting yourself all the way to a far flung Scottish Island has been a challenge then perhaps consider coming to our first South of England Decelerator at the Asha Centre, a gorgeous retreat centre, nestled deep in the heart of the Forest of Dean.
Picture Autumnal forests, ancient wells, delicious home cooked meals (that you didn’t have to cook) and sharing stories with diverse yet like minded souls around fires in the evening.
Spend the week slowing down, connecting to what really matters to you and setting your course for the next part of your life and career.
Participants for this event include a group of leaders from the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders network but there are still some places left. Please get in touch if money is a barrier.

Vernon Kay’s Visit to Bute
Gib is 3rd generation, born and bred on the Isle of Bute – but despite leaving at the age of 18 for a career in business that took him all over the world, his heart never left the island.
Inspired by Vernon Kay’s Visit to the Bute Highland Games and the BBC Let’s Move It Challenge, Gib ran a 10K Road Race on 24th August to raise money for a range of good causes on the beautiful island of his birth.

Take care and keep finding those quiet moments,
The Craigberoch Team